So here's the story:
It's been a wild and crazy year. Besides Sniper, American Gun, Rogue, Dreamland, TV rumors and movie deals, one of the real high points has been the reaction to Hogs. So I wanted to celebrate my birthday by thanking the people who have been so kind to me over the past year - my readers.
I came up with the idea of giving away a Hogs story. The idea was this: I'd write the story - unlike the books, there is no backlog of short stories - and then give it away for free as my own personal thank you card.
The problem is, you can't give away short stories for free on Kindle Amazon, or at least I can't.* The best we could do was enroll it in a special program that lets us give it away for free for five days. After that, it will cost the lowest price that we can set: 99 cents.
Here's the link.
Happy birthday! (And no, I don't see myself as Skull, in case you're wondering.)
* Other writers may be able to make different arrangements, but this is what the agreement I'm bound by states.