They forgot baseball games . . .

. . . which is where all our important business meetings are. Except for the ones during hockey season.

Explanations, as if any were really needed.

Defining evil

This is what success means to a nihilistic, psychopathic terrorist: you kill people who teach others to farm:
DHAKA, Bangladesh — The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for gunning down an Italian aid worker in the diplomatic quarter of Bangladesh's capital . . .A veterinarian in his early 50s, Tavella had spent extended periods of time traveling the world and giving instruction on how to raise animals, according to Italian media reports. He left for Bangladesh in late August and had a daughter.


RIP, Yogi

Great catcher, great philosopher.

Afro ships . . .

Sometimes it's a roller coaster, sometimes it's a horror show, all the times it's both. But I had fun, not least of all because it's a huge laugh to see how cool people try to pretend to be.

Congrats to the team. See some of you at the party.
Friends for benefits

Headed here this weekend. Maybe we'll see you there.
Me, talking . . .

Headed to Haverstraw library in Haverstraw, N.Y. this evening to talk about . . . whatever anyone wants to talk about, I guess. Definitely American Sniper and American Wife.

Their website.

What is it you do for a living?

From Publishers Weekly:

The survey also indicated that not only are many authors earning little, they are, since 2009, also earning less. Overall, the median writing-related income among respondents dropped from $10,500 in 2009 to $8,000 2014 in 2014, a decline of 24%. The decline came for both full-time and part-time authors with full-time authors reporting a 30% drop in income to $17,500 and part-time authors seeing a 38% decrease, to $4,500.


On CNN . . . 

Appearing on New Day Saturday morning - assuming I get up in time.

The show's web site here:
Always remember

In memory of our friends, their families, and the countless others affected.

So others might read . . .

. . . I'm a little late with this link, but a good cause is a good cause.

Literacy Day

(Click for the link.)