This was secret????

There's a big tizzy in Washington, D.C. over a supposedly super-secret program that the CIA had for eight years but never revealed to congress.

The program, as revealed by the Wall Street Journal yesterday*: Assassinate Al Qaeda leaders.

Um, duh . . .

If the CIA didn't at least give that some thought following 9/11, it wouldn't be doing its job. The only thing I don't understand is why the minimal requirement to inform congress wasn't met. I mean seriously, they didn't think congress wouldn't approve, did they?????

In a million years, I will not understand Washington. Or the media covering it.

But maybe this is just misinformation to protect a really devious program, one whose existence would actually be shocking.

* - Actually, the existence of such a program has at least been rumored for a while, if not actually reported elsewhere. And it's also pretty well-known that the Clinton administration had a similar program. The Predator/Reaper program designed to do the same thing is considered separate.

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