Problems loom

This is how books get too . . . something.

I'm writing a thriller with one main plot and a couple of side plots. (If it were a movie, you'd call the secondary threads b and c stories, related but not precisely part of the main story line.)

Generally when I work on a book, no matter how many subplots, etc. it has, I go straight through, with occasional deviations for interesting developments or research or just because why the hell not. Every so often, though, I'll concentrate on what I consider the main story or thread, then go back and work on the others.

Which is what I'm doing this time. In fact, I even went further - I plotted the different sections out for length, something I've never done with a big book.

The main story line was figured at 300 pages. It's now over 500.*

Heh. Probably ought to come up with an ending soon, ya think?

(*Figure a standard big book novel is going to be about 500-600 pages.)

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