It's all in how you ask . . .

So Fred* puts in a request for crime scene photos for the story he's working on, a fairly routine request when you haven't been there yourself, and one that would go unnoticed in most cases, except this case was unique . ..

Not because the case involved a murder - that, unfortunately, is anything but rare, especially if Fred's writing about it. The unique thing here is that he was working for Hustler magazine, and mentioned that in the request.

Next thing you know, he's being denounced in the state legislature, and there are 465 stories about him on Google News. Well, mostly about how terrible Hustler is. But some of them do use his photo, grabbed off his website.

Hey, at least they're spelling his name right.

Here's a link to one of the stories. The thing that kills me though, is that the reporter didn't know why a journalist would request crime scene photos.

I guess the AP uses seances to figure out how the crime occurred and link it to other crimes...

* Fred Rosen - true crime author who wrote the book on the history of crime in America, among other things. a lot of the stories incorrectly say he wanted autopsy photos, which isn't true. Not that he shouldn't get those, to0 . . ..


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