Others always came first

A lot of people who came to know Chris Kyle, either through the book or his other public endeavors, focused on the kills or the medals. For me, Chris was about two things: Family, and helping others.

Even before we began working together on American Sniper, Chris was incredibly dedicated to helping others. We spent a lot of time talking about his plans to help other veterans in various ways.

I remember one conversation we had about what we would do if we suddenly got rich. His words: “I’d set up a foundation to help wounded veterans in any way they need help.”
Throughout his life and career as a SEAL, Chris struggled to determine how his life should be ordered:

God, Country, Family . . . or . . . God, Family, Country.

But there was never a question in his mind that those things were more important than he was.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. You spoke highly of him in past posts and he was a pleasure to listen too while doing the various interviews I saw. God bless him and his family.........Chris.....

Anonymous said...

I felt as if I knew him through your pen. words will never discribe the senselessness of this loss.