Exasperation is mainstream and Main Street

What do "Wal-Mart moms" think? Peggy Noonan:

Who are the culprits behind our economic calamity? "The banks and the people who took the loans." But more the banks, because they had, as one woman put it, "the authority." When they gave out the loans, people thought "it must have been OK." People were "lured in" by the banks—don't worry, home values will keep going up—which pocketed the fees and kept walking. 
People lampoon the Occupy Wall Street movement as a bunch of marginal freaks, but these women from the heart of the country shared a basic resentment: The banks got bailed out, everyone else was left holding the bag.

From Noonan's column in the Wall Street Journal Saturday. (I don't think you need a subscription for this article.)

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