It ain't over until it's over . . .

Had an interesting talk with Neil McCabe at Guns&Patriots Tuesday. He's doing a podcast on the Battle of the Bulge and very graciously invited me to share some thoughts.*

As we were talking, we both noted that things for the Americans went comparatively easily after the Bulge. "Game over," in effect.

But thinking later, I realized that, while yes what happened afterwards was considerably easier for the Americans than the Bulge, there was still considerable fighting, dying and suffering. That's one problem with the way we talk about history. We (myself included) tend to wrap things up into very neat packages. History in general is seldom like that, and war certainly isn't.

The Bulge began around 5:30 in the morning December 16, 1944, and continued until the end of January 1945, was a horrific battle fought with courage and savagery. It produced an enormous number of casualties on both sides, and set the final course of the war. But it was just one stop on the way to the end.

*I'll post a link when it's up. In the meantime, check this page at Human Events for the Guns & Patriots newsletter and articles.

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