Color me insane . . .

. . . but at least I'm not a serial killer.

Item on organizing books:

People who arrange their books by colour are clearly insane and there really should be some sort of helpline for them. I’d start it myself if I didn’t think they were already beyond help. The same goes for people who don’t have a system at all. A chaotic mess where fiction and non-fiction sit next to each other in a direct violation of order and sense. I have no evidence but I assume that this is the way a serial killer would order their thousands of copies of Catcher in the Rye (although, by default, I suppose that would still be alphabetical. Haven’t really thought it through..)
(Rest of the entry here.)

From Waterstones Oxford Street, a blog for times "when 140 characters isn't enough." (The reference is to Twitter. The blog is a British readers'/writing/etc. site, worth checking if you like books and literature.)

Some day, I will organize my shelves. . . . probably about the time we have a good ap for organizing ebooks.

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