
At the moment, you can't buy many of my books from the Amazon website.*

No wait, that's not true - you can buy a book, but only if you buy it used - or supposedly used - which means that neither I nor my publisher will be paid for it.

Amazon has removed the "buy now" buttons from all books published by Macmillan, which includes Tor and St. Martin's, who publish Rogue Warrior and St. Martin's. They claim it's because they want the right to set very low discounts on ebooks, but what's really going on here is a power move by Amazon in an attempt to control the ebook market. Their idea is to use low priced ebooks to encourage the purchase of Kindle. Kind of the razor and blade theory backwards.

Amazon, by the way, gets a cut of all sales on its site, whether they're used or not. So they're still making money even when they're trying to squeeze publishers, and through them, writers.

Thanks, guys.

Not that it will matter to them, but I've deleted the links to their site. B&Ns and the locals remain.

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