Speaking of Japan . . .

Namco Bandai continued the unofficial/official rollout of Assault Horizon last week. Here's part of a press story . . .

由Namco Bandai Games开发的空战格斗游戏《皇牌空战》系列最新作《皇牌空战:突击地平线》今天公布游戏中主角所属的第108特遣部队航空飞行器最新画面,游戏对应平台为PS3和XBOX360。具体发售日未定。

  邀请全美畅销军事小说作家「Jim DeFelice」参与本作剧作制作的本作除了收录系列前作的的各个机种外还将收录战斗直升机和战艇等各式新型航空武器,世界最强战斗直升机「AH-64D Apache Longbow」阿帕奇战斗直升机登场,玩家们可以驾驶这架拥有超高性能的战斗直升机进行时速高达250公里的高速飞行或是使用30mm机关炮或是对地飞弹、可连续发射的火箭弹等压倒性火力进行超近距离的连续大破坏。

I think it says something along the lines of "We managed to get this together despite the interference and beer drinking of Jim DeFelice."

(Actually, of news interest to U.S. fans, it says that the game will be on both PS3 and XBox 360 platforms, unlike the previous version. And yes, you can fly an Apache, among other airframes. Here is a link to the Japanese story above.)

Screenshots to follow.

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