Why North Korea is dangerous . . .


PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) – North Korea is armed with "powerful modern weapons" capable of defeating the United States, a top military chief in Pyongyang said Wednesday amid increased speculation abroad about the nation's missile arsenal and nuclear ambitions.
. . .
"The Korean People's Army is armed with powerful modern weapons … that can defeat the U.S. imperialists at a single blow," he told party and military officials, using familiar descriptions of the country's rivals. 

While that's good for a belly laugh from most of the world, the man who said it - and many of the people in power with him, actually believe it. And no amount of real evidence is likely to dissuade them.

If you have a mental patient with a sub-machine gun, sooner or later you have to disarm him, or face the consequences.

On an unrelated note, is it just me, or does it look like Kim Jong-un is under arrest in this photo:

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