IBM - always on the cutting edge . . .

They do this so well, they want to patent it:

IBM drops patent application for out-sourcing

The same day the Times Herald-Record reported IBM had applied to patent a computerized system to help businesses outsource offshore jobs while maximizing government tax breaks, Big Blue did an about-face.

The application "was filed in error and will be withdrawn," IBM spokesman Steve Malkiewicz said Monday.

IBM's filing with the U.S. patent office describes a "method and system for strategic global resource sourcing," weighing such goals as "50 percent of resources in China by 2010" against such factors as labor costs, infrastructure and the "minimum head count to qualify for incentives."

Full story here. Note that they dropped the patent application - not plans to outsource or help others do it.

IBM was once one of the best companies in the U.S. to work for. Now it's the leader in figuring out how to screw Americans, whether they're employees or simply taxpayers.

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