Sienna's cathedral. Next time I bring the good camera...
Throughout most of its history, Sienna competed with Florence, almost always coming out second best. It's smaller, not as well situated, and historically a bit cranky about it. Today, those are actually all assets . . . It's a nice city, not completely overrun by tourists, and if you can find a parking space, a great place to wander around.
Assuming you can ignore the exchange rate. The dollar is running about 60 Euro cents, before the ATM and credit card fees. Which makes a 2.5 Euro espresso in center city a very expensive spit of caffeine.
Mario's a Sienna truck driver, pushing his little white van around the alleys of the city from, well roughly ten to maybe three, but who's keeping track? From what I understand, he likes the challenge of squirting through the narrow streets. Kind of like playing Doom on wheels.
'A sport,' he says, gulping espressos at my expense a few blocks from the town square. '
Soccer, without a goalie.'
Later he shows me his truck. Two years old, it has more scrapes and dents than the farm tractor abandoned in the woods behind my house.
'Someday, I go to America,' he tells me as me say goodbye. 'If I can find a job.'
'You could be a taxi driver in New York.'
His face goes white. 'I hear NY drivers are crazy.'
'Dude, you're way overqualified,' I say as a Fiat blows through the alley at forty klicks, missing me by half an inch.
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