Talking about writing

So we're hanging out in the hotel penthouse, ten or twelve of us, all writers and the guru. And mostly we're talking about country-western music.

Until David Hagberg (who still hasn't bought me a beer, or seen me completely sober), says something along the lines of, "It's good to have so many writers together. You can talk and be understood."

Everyone else agreed; someone even said they could talk about craft and not be looked at strangely.

There was unanimous agreement, people saying how marvelous it is to talk about craft, until the circle came around to me.

"The hell with craft," I said. "I'd rather talk about baseball."

They made me buy the next round.


Anonymous said...

Hagberg lives in Floroda and dosen't want to talk baseball. He may be pissed that the Yankees are in 1st place this morning. May have to stop buying his books (I doubt that)......Chris......

jd said...

Hey, you have him nailed . . .